Gitanjali Rao was born on November 19, 2005, and she is one of the youngest Indian-American inventors the world has ever seen. Rao was only in second grade when she became curious about solving the world’s problems with the use of technology. By the time she was 10, she had begun her research on carbon nanotube sensors at the Denver Water Quality research lab. In 7th grade, she invented a device called Tethys. Tethys is a device that helps detect lead in contaminated water and that it’s data to an app. As a result of this invention, she earned her a 2017 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist award.
In addition, she invented an app, Kindly, that detects cyberbullying in its early stages using AI technology. Furthermore, she invented a device which helps physicians detect a prescription drug addiction in human genetics called Epoine. Rao helps girls all around the world in the STEM field and she is involved in multiple international organizations that support this movement. With global involvement comes global recognition and she was rewarded with the EPA Presidential Award 2020, the Kumon 2019 Student Inspirational Award, named the Kid of The Year by TIME and much much more. Not only is she a scientist, she is a dancer, baker, pianist, swimmer, fencer and a mathematician. She has inspired many young women around the world to follow their dreams and always stay curious.