Read about fascinating women from all over the world who broke through significant boundaries, but are usually forgotten in history books.
Hello, our name is Like A Girl and welcome to Woman of the Week! Each weekly post takes a detailed look at inspiring women that have changed the country and sometimes, the world. Our goal is to get more people to learn about these amazing women and hopefully, join us in trying to include these women's stories in our history books!
Here's how every post will work:
- It will start with a tagline with basics about who she is
- It will start with a few bullets about this week's woman's biggest accomplishments.
- The first paragraph will recount her early life and what circumstances she grew up in.
- The second paragraph will describe her career and success.
- The last paragraph will detail her legacy and the doors she opened for other women.
This week's woman is Zitkala-Sa, a Native American writer and activist. Thank you so much for reading this blog post and keep reading!
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